1. Folder
- contains records, and in which each record is specified in a single line.
2. File
-stores information
3. Record
-An item or collection of data
4. Fields
-is a place where you can store data.
-Information in the database is generally stored in several different files. Each file consists of series of records. Each records consists of several fields, with each field containing an individual data item.
- an individual database as a whole has a lot of related files with related records on it. A single record is composed of related fields in which each of that field has related attributes. Inside each field, there are related data which constitute the field. The data is the last constituent of the whole system. It is the fundamental among all since when data is grouped and related to each other it will constitute a field then a record then into a file and finally into a database.
-fields, records, files and objects optimized to deal with very large amounts of data stored on a permanent structure.