Sunday, August 10, 2008

CSC 121 As I see it 008

History of Firebird Maestro 7.12

1. Version 6.7
- features: Object Browser, some interface improvements.

2. Version 6.12
-features: tabbed interface, OLAP viewer, script executor, improved BLOB editor and more.

3. Version 7.3
-introduces graphical Database Designer, a tool to represent Firebird tables and relationships as ER Diagrams.

4. Version 7.7
-includes support for embedded server and some Firebird 2.1 new features as well as a possibility of managing Unicode/UTF-8 data.

5. Version 7.9
-introduces column reordering, SQL Formatter and some other features.

6. Version 7.12
-features new SQL Generator tool, improved data management and some other useful things.
